Tregonwell Academy

School Uniform - Nigel Bowes Academy

In 2018, our School Council voted to choose the uniform they felt represented our core values and one they could be proud to wear. We encourage parents/carers to be supportive of our policy, fostering a sense of community spirit and identity, whilst being easily obtainable, maintainable and affordable.

Our school uniform consists of the following;

  • Sapphire blue Nigel Bowes Academy sweatshirt (available to purchase directly from the school at a cost of £9.50-£11.75 depending on the size)
  • White shirt / white polo shirt
  • Black trousers / knee-length skirt / tailored shorts
  • Black sturdy shoes
  • PE Kit (white Tshirt, black shorts, trainers). In the winter pupils may bring a tracksuit.

Items of clothing with logos/slogans are not permitted.

Clothing Allowance

For parents/carers who meet the criteria, a uniform allowance can be claimed. Please ask the school office for an application form.


In the interest of safety, pupils are not permitted to wear any jewellery other than a basic watch or one pair of stud earrings. Pupils requesting to wear items relating to the pupil’s religion must be done so in writing to the Principal and agreed by the school.

Personal Belongings

Pupils are advised against bringing personal belongings in to school but if they do, they must pass them to a member of staff at the start of the day who will keep them secure. Staff will then return the item(s) at the end of the school day. The school cannot be held responsible for any items brought into school which are damaged or lost.