Tregonwell Academy

Overview - Iford Academy

Our curriculum is designed to prepare our pupils for a safe, happy and productive adult life.

Iford Academy balances developing pupils academic progress, (leading to qualifications) with their personal, social and emotional progress (leading to pupils who are able to interact with society in an appropriate and meaningful way). Simply put, balancing ‘currency’ (qualifications) and ‘character’ (ability to develop and maintain relationships).


Pupils will all aspire to achieve GCSE qualifications in Maths, English and Science. However the school will adapt so that pupils can achieve other qualifications in these subjects where appropriate.

At Key stage 4 the school offers a range of vocational Qualifications in, Cookery, Construction, Business Administration, Heath and Fitness, Hair and Beauty, Digital Technology, Music, Art, Forest School Skills.

These subjects adapt yearly to current pupil interests and ambitions.

The Careers Information Advice and guidance team work closely with pupils to match their post 16 ambitions with their current interests and options.

Personal development

Iford Academy feel that personal development is of equal importance as qualifications (there is no point in having the qualifications for a job if you haven’t got the skills to maintain professional working relationships!). Pupils will also be involved in lessons that develop this through Careers and Personal Development lessons, Basecamp which explore Leadership. Organisation, Resilience, initiative and Communication and Offsite learning (community-based learning) and enrichment lessons explore their place in society.

The staff treat every moment in school as a learning opportunity and work closely with pupils to overcome challenges and embrace success equally.

As a result, our pupils make great progress from their relative starting points, achieving appropriate and relative qualifications to their aspirations. Our pupils secure post 16 provision and are ready to embark on a safe, happy and productive adult life.