Welcome from the Principal - Nigel Bowes
I am pleased to welcome you to our website, where I hope you will get a sense of our fantastic school along with the information you are looking for. If you would like to know more or visit us to see first-hand for yourself, please do contact us.
Our school offers a calm, welcoming environment where all children are treated as individuals and are given the opportunity to achieve their true potential. By removing barriers to learning and providing a stimulating educational experience we enable children to engage in the learning process and develop as “Resilient, Safe and Respectful learners”.
Our nurturing and therapeutic approaches are key to helping our children enjoy school and feel part of our supportive school community. We look to give our children opportunities they may not have been able to experience before and our school day is tailored to creating ‘wow’ moments, across a broad and balanced curriculum.
We look forward to meeting you soon.
Steve Jackson, Principal